Sunday, March 17, 2013

Hail, Vic Caesar!

I posted this Friday, it got 22 views...and disappeared.  I hope to hell it was just some technical glitch...

Now I have to remember what I wrote a few days ago. Umm...I can't.  (Start over.)

Basically, this is one of the best lounge albums I've ever heard, and I've heard plenty. The man sings songs you thought you never liked (e.g.: "Born Free") with over-the-top gusto and finger-poppin' cool, he tackles both the usual suspects and such utterly unlikely choices as "Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds" (?!) and, as this interview proves, is as larger-than-life as his music.  The voice!  The enthusiasm!  The swingin' big band! Everything you want in a lounge record. And Dick Van Dyke wrote the liner notes.

"Vic Caesar Sings"

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