Monday, April 15, 2013


Back in the Jurassic era of the internet, the year 2000, L.A. radio personality April Winchell started putting up mp3s of bad/strange/funny music and audio - an early music-blog, if you will. Readers and listeners started sending in more and more tracks, resulting in a remarkably large library of unprecedented awesomeness.  Easy to take for granted now, but at the time, it was a truly mind-boggling resource for us weird-music freaks. It's been a few years, but it's all back up now:

Don't think she's added much since, but if you weren't there back in the day, you've got a lot of catching up to do. Much thanks to Ms. Winchell for re-opening the archives. And if any of you-all have a diaper/baby fetish, and would like a hypnosis tape to help you wet your bed, you now know where to go.

(Speaking of re-ups, RIAA's "Risque, Illicit, and Adult" album is now back up, by request.)

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