Friday, August 29, 2014

FILTHY FRIDAYS: Kay Martin And Her Body Guards

Speaking of Rodney Bingenheimer, had a very lovely request to re-up our hypothetical, theoretical "Rodney On The ROQ Vol 4" comp. Judging by the number of hits it has received, it appears to be one of this blog's most popular posts. (Don't forget, there's also a Vol 5.)  And now to continue our exploration of The Golden Age of Sleaze, witness this 1958 album:

Kay Martin was not only a topless model, but a lounge performer. The perfect woman?! 
Dig the kooky cover of "Blue Moon" a la The Champs' "Tequila," the rockabilly rumbler (with unexpected three-part harmonies towards the end) "I Ain't Mad At 'Chu," and a version of Gershwin's "Summertime" that sports the new-and-improved lyrics: "Your daddy's a flip and your mommy's a gasser."  If you were expecting something more Rusty Warren-ish and ribald, you may be surprised by such dark, weird, atmospheric gems as "The Heel," "Johnny Guitar" and the self-explanatory "Swamp Girl."  When she tries to play it straight on standards like "Sentimental Journey," it isn't too interesting - she sings  better than you'd expect, but not that well. Her enthusiastic Body Guards (rock that accordion!) chime in from time to time.

Kay Martin And Her Body Guards

A2Blue Moon
A3Big Mamou
A4Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man
A5Sentimental Journey
A6I Ain't Mad At 'Chu
B1The Heel
B3Swamp Girl
B4I Got It Bad
B5Johnny Guitar
B6Baby, Did You Hear

Two of her other albums are available elsewhere on the intar-webs, one on WFMU's Beware of the
Blog, and her christmas album is out there somewhere, don't remember where. 

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